I'm a bad blog owner. My apologies. I'm also a bad speller and just sat and looked at the word "apologies" and wondered if it was right. No red squigly line and I'm no longer concerned. Sorry for the delay, hopefully I'll start keeping up with this more.
I mentioned before I would introduce you to each of my B's individually. I will. But this isn't it. I WILL, though. Soon..er or later.
It's summertime. Which means my hive has shrunk. Three B's buzzing around here day and night causes one to fall into a daze. I enjoy having them here, mind you. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I've been counting down the days until school starts. I'd also be lying if I didn't admit that I started my countdown on their last day of school. (6 weeks from today, if you'd like to join me in my countdown...) *sigh* But this summer has been eventful. Feldie and I decided to play softball for our church. The season started 3 weeks ago. (maybe?) We haven't played a game yet. Tonight is a game. If Feldie gets home from work early enough, we may just make it. Of course, church league softball doesn't actually practice. And Feldie's never played softball. And I played for all of 5 minutes when I was a kid. So we aren't hopeful that we'll be any good. We shall see.
Summer also means Bug had a birthday! She is now a two year old Buglet! We haven't had her party yet. (that's this coming weekend.) She has gotten a few gifts though... and as soon as I figure out how to get pictures on here, I'll show you her favorite!
Buttercup has been losing teeth right, left and center. Two on top and two on bottom. She's a gappy B! Again, I'm not a technologically savvy hive hostage, but bear with me. I'll figure it out!
Boudreaux went to church camp for 4 days. He had tons of fun. He's also very excited to be going into 3rd grade. He'll be in the Intermediate School now, which is the same building as Buttercup's school (she's still in Primary, and excited about going into 1st) but he'll be upstairs. With a new principal. AND he'll stay at school half an hour longer. Which means if I end up staying home instead of working, Bug and I will pick up Buttercup and then make the block to sit in the Intermediate parking lot until Boudreaux gets out. (again, same building. Different parking lots.) Unless I just throw in the towel and stick them on the bus. (and now that I think about it, that's not a bad idea...) OR I could just suck it up and walk up there and get them. Which I should probably do... *sigh* again. I'm such a motivated person that I astound even myself. I'm currently not listening to the part of me that says "what if it rains?! or snows, even? Don't you remember that snow storm last winter? Is it really a good idea to try to walk to the school and back with Bug? Nevermind that she's two and her B feet work perfectly well! Being a hostage has made you CRAZY!" I guess we'll see how that turns out.
My friend from college, who is also a blogger and is responsible for my driving you nuts, is such an inspiration. I'd love to do all the things she does. (like walking my kids to school, perhaps. Although her kids aren't old enough for school yet. But I bet she would.) I could be a healthy hostage! Maybe the incessant buzzing wouldn't drive me into a stupor as easily! Maybe I could have a redecorated hive!! (hey, exercise is rumored to give you energy, right?!) AND it would be a good lesson to teach the B's about becoming more green in addition to giving them a little more exercise which would lead to an easier, maybe even earlier, bedtime! I mean, more healthy B's!!
But I do have 6 weeks to reach a decision. Now I just need to figure out how to transfer pictures from my smarter-than-me-iPhone (but I'm gaining on it!) to my much-smarter-than-me link to life outside the hive. (the computer)
As for the buzzing, it's getting louder. That's my cue.
Meet Louie.
11 years ago