Dear those of you who have bravely chosen to read my blog. Or my attempt at a blog. Or whatever...:
I am a blog newbie. Therefore, this may suck. It's actual probable, but if you stick with me, I will award you points. These points are redeemable for... well, for nothing of real value. But if you get the most, you win. And you are the Winner. So there's a goal, I guess, and goals are important.
I suppose I should start off by introducing myself. I'm Paige. I'm married and I have 3 kids. Boudreaux, who will be 8 in February and is the lone boy among his siblings, Buttercup, who just turned 6, and Bug, aka Buglet or BugNut or whatever else I may come up with on the fly, who is 18 months. I am a stay at home mom, hence the title of my blog. (see? clever aren't I? and if you agreed, you get a point. This point system could prove lucrative.) I'm also not the greatest speller. That's just a warning.
I had a job. I actually went to school and got a degree in something that I loved. All that school for a piece of paper that I rarely look at and don't use. Sigh. But it was fun, and I am still interested in it. I just don't DO it. Instead, I stay home and ferry the oldest two B's to and from school and chase the littlest one around the house, desperately trying to convince her it's naptime. That rarely works, in case you're wondering. Yet, I continue to attempt it on the off chance it works.
Eventually I'll get pictures up. I had big plans to have a profile picture. I even hit "browse" on the little 'post a picture' thing. Then I remembered that this is a new computer. And I'm not sure where the pictures are. I know they are here. (ok, I HOPE they are here...) but I don't know how to find them. So I'm pictureless for now. (I'm also a word-maker-upper and not overly computer savvy. Obviously!) But if you hang with me until I get pictures up, you'll get more points. Until then, just imagine that I'm a svelte brunette. Then try not to be disappointed when the pictures are actually posted. But I do have cute kids. One of which is currently crawling across the dining room table, so excuse me for a moment....
I'll get around to introducing each of my B's in their very own post, which I'm sure they will love, if I ever tell them about it. So hang with me, group. I'll get the hang of this blog thing. but until then you can thank my friend for introducing me to this new and exciting virtual world. (is that what this is? A virtual world? Because that's what I'm calling it from now on..) She has an awesome blog, right over there. (did you look? Points for those of you who actually looked to the side of your screen.) While I try to figure out the ins and outs of blogging, you can check hers out.. But I don't know how to send you there. So good luck with that. (but if you find it... that's right... more points.) and.... go!
oh. and thanks for giving me a shot. Stay tuned, I'm actually quite engaging. Insert smiley face here. I'd do the : ) thing, but I don't know if that's blog/virtual world acceptable.
Meet Louie.
11 years ago
Ooh, I win! I win!