Ta-da! Look, a 2nd post! I may just be on my way, ladies and gentlemen. (if there are any gentlemen reading this..)
...unfortunately, I've just realized that I don't have much to say. so....
My older B's are home from school. One assuring me that he doesn't have homework because they had a math test today. (groan. I am not good at math.) But, the homework would've been math, so I'm wondering if I should be happy about the lack of math homework, or if I should secretly cringe over the test because, to be honest, math isn't Boudreaux's favorite subject either. Buttercup and Bug are building a... something with the blocks that Bug got for Christmas. And that Buttercup decided to dump half a container of baby powder into. Buttercup is fascinated with baby powder, though I myself find it lacking. But hey, to each their own right? I'm actually glad they are doing some block building. (whoops, might should switch that from building together to Bug opening Bug Bashing One Bug Demolition Crew.) Where was I? Oh yes. I'm glad of the block building because, apparently, Bug is a wee bit behind. I got a letter in the mail today about a "meeting" (which sounds VERY formal, doesn't it?) that's taking place at my house (which kicks the "formal" right out) that I was graciously invited to (I mentioned it was at my house, right?) between myself, a case worker for Early Childhood Intervention and a Speech Therapist. Oh, and Bug has a hearing test tomorrow in town. The nurse referenced the need for the hearing test because Bug had failed hers. To which I nicely cocked my head to the side a la Labrador (as I was on the phone, though my doctors office is used to me by now) and thought to myself "Oh, she did? and where exactly was I when Bug had a hearing test?" but back to the story, apparently Bug failed said hearing test that I somehow missed, so we're going to check her hearing tomorrow. Which I'm sure she'll pass. Watch this... yep. I say "hey Bug" and she looks at me. I think it's to see if she hearing properly which I think they should specify, don't you?
Good Heavens, I hope the neighbors enjoy the Wonder Pets, because it's playing at mach volume.
ok, wait, I'm back. I was gone. I'm sure you all noticed, but I'm here now, so it's ok. Someone had knocked at the door. After my initial panic over the state of the house, and wondering why they were knocking at the laundry room door instead of the front door (which I wouldn't have heard anyway...) I discovered that it was the mail lady. With a birthday package for Buttercup. Her Nana, my husbands mom, had sent and the other B's goodies. (translation: books) And added to Buttercup's Precious Moments collection, which Nana started for her when she was born. Buttercup loves it so she looks forward to seeing what she got. I was then promptly reminded that we promised to take Buttercup to get her ears pierced tomorrow after school. I was sure she had forgotten about it (I sure had) but I guess not. My husband will be so happy. (that sarcasm came through alright, didn't it?)
Has anyone ever wondering why kids ask for things for Christmas and then don't seem to want them anymore? (ok, that's a little off subject, but I'm still talking about books) Boudreaux was begging for a book series, which he got. Which are still unread. (which I don't get. sorry, I had to throw in another "which")
I was going to go on but I just looked over at the girls and noticed that Bug had decided to dump out a bowl of pretzels. (a bowl of pretzels? I don't remember getting the kids a bowl of pretzels...) So now there is salt and pretzel dust all over the little tiny table between our couch recliners. So I'm off to clean that up. Yay me. (again, did the sarcasm come through?)
If you didn't cheer that this post was over you get double points. But everyone gets points just for showing up. and now I'm buzzing off. (HA!)
Oooh! What exactly is a "Mini Boden"? I have a tiny, yet inviting catalouge that came in the mail... I keep thinking I was supposed to be doing something else...
Meet Louie.
11 years ago
I love Boden. It's not in my budget, but I love it.